30-Day Money Back Guarantee
This is the period in days after signup when users can get back 100% of all their recurrent fees for all resources they’ve used if they decide to cancel Enet Online Solutions hosting services. Please note that domain registration fees, setup fees, and/or bandwidth overage charges, and Dedicated Server payments are not refundable.
To cancel your account you must request it via https://my.enet.co.ke/clientarea.php?action=products. Please include a reason why you no longer want to host with Enet Online Solutions. After we receive your cancellation request and reason for leaving we will cancel your account.
If your account is cancelled fifteen (15) days before your recurring monthly billing date, you will not be billed for the next month and all payments thereafter will be cancelled with immediate effect.
Refunds are send between 1st and 10th day of the following month after cancellation request. You will receive your payments through the same you used to make payments.